Projects 2016

The project “Recommendations for effective control of wild oat and other widespread weed species in Latvia” supported by Ministry of Agriculture (2015-2018).
Aim: To obtain scientific data on weed populations in order to find out what factors influence weed population structure and density in Latvia and to develop recommendations for weed control under Latvian climatic conditions.
Project in collaboration with Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics and Latvia University of Agriculture.
Project manager: Dr. biol. Jevgenija Necajeva (LPPRC)
LPPRC tasks in the project:

  • Weed surveys in the south-east part of Latvia
  • Research on wild oat (Avena fatua ) distibution in the south-east part of Latvia,  biology of different willd oat populations and impact of wild oat on spring wheat yield.
  • Identifying potentially herbicide resistant weeds in Latvia and testing resistance to herbicides.


The project “Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards (ECOORCHARD)”. (2015 – 2017).


The project “The control of apple and pear scab and codling moth by using decision support system RIMpro and adaption for apple cancer control in integrated fruit production”. (2015 – 2017).

